Feel Confidence in Your Vehicle’s Stopping Power
Properly working brakes are essential to automotive safety and optimal ride comfort. Preventative repairs to your brakes such as replacing brake pads, can help you save money in the long term. Our certified technicians are trained to maintain, repair and replace your vehicle’s brakes.
A complete brake job should begin with a thorough inspection of the entire brake system; lining condition, rotors and drums, callipers and wheel cylinders, brake hardware, hoses, lines, and master cylinder. Our goal at Genuine Tire and Auto. Once we have completed our inspection you the customer will discuss your vehicle’s current brake system and together an educated decision will be made.
It Might Be Time for a Wheel Alignment If…
You experience vibration when steering.
Your steering veers to the left or right.
Your steering is not straight when driving on a straight road.

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